We have partnered with MakeaWillOnline.co.uk to provide a free of charge will writing service to supporters.

This simple to use online service is available at www.makeawillonline.co.uk/supportdogs and is a simple online form to work through. Make-a-Will Online work with hundreds of different charities across the UK and have been operating for over 10 years.

The solicitors from Make-a-Will Online check every will for your peace of mind. When you make a will they tell us a gift exists. You can also choose to share your name so we can say “thank you”. 

It’s possible to make a will without sharing any information at all with us by going to https://makeawillonline.co.uk/online-wills. We won’t find out anything about any gift you leave. Whatever you choose to do we are very grateful for your help!