This high octane event is really great for those who only have a small amount of time available. There are no gruelling marathon-training schedules to stick to, no weekend-long treks – you only need to commit to fundraising and the jump itself. And all in the knowledge that this one small step for you will make a massive difference to children and adults affected by autism, epilepsy and physical disabilities

If you get a group together you could all do a jump to raise even more money and have a great day out with your friends or colleagues. Or you could just as easily go solo. 

Working with the UK Bungee Club, you can take part in Bungees all year round, all over the UK in the below locations:

  • Rotherham, Magna
  • Whitby
  • Salford Quays
  • Cheshire, Tatton Park
  • Glasgow
  • London, Battersea Park
  • London, Coram’s Fields
  • Windsor
  • Cambridge
  • Birmingham
  • Bristol
  • Brighton

Choose from 120ft, 160ft or 300ft drops, with a fundraising target of £150 per person. 

Find out more about the UK Bungee Club here

Contact us to find out more and register your interest for a Bungee Jump! One of our friendly fundraising team members will be in touch to plan your jump or you can book directly using the link below.