Sponsor Us

About Us

Job: heroes in training!

These amazing pups are currently in their first stage of training to become a support dog.

Before they are 18 months old, they will learn the social skills all support dogs need, exploring new places and experiencing new things. From aged 18 months upwards they will attend 'school' at our centre and get to grips with the tasks they will use in their life-changing jobs. 

Importantly, our puppies love to have fun and have puppy down time. Free runs in the woods, playing with toys, jumping for balls, splashing in rivers, you name it, they love it! 


How your sponsorship will help

Support Dogs receives no government funding and relies solely on donations to make these life-transforming partnerships happen. We receive around 4,000 applications for support dogs each year and can only help them with your support.

Your sponsorship will go towards covering the cost of training more amazing assistance dogs. By sponsoring our puppies, from just £5 a month, you will help to transform the lives of autistic children and adults with epilepsy and physical disability.


What do you get?

In every sponsorship pack you will get:

  • welcome pack
  • sponsorship certificate
  • cuddly toy support dog
  • 3 pup-cards a year

If you choose to sponsor our puppies as a gift for someone else, your recipient will receive the sponsorship pack in a special gift box with a personal note from you inside. This option is available only as a yearly donation. 

Sponsor our puppies as a kind gift